So here is what distracted me from finishing my movie concession guys. I used my new Serger which I LOVE! This is the time of the year I start getting antsy for spring and start making spring and summer clothes. This usually lasts for about two months.
This dress is for my daughters birthday. We are continuing the Alice in Wonderland theme from Halloween. It'd quite the coincidence that it wasn't until after I finished my daughters Halloween costume last summer that I found out about the new Alice movie by Tim Burton. I was kinda bummed because now Alice stuff is everywhere and it doesn't seem very original. I am very much looking forward to Tim Burton's version of Alice coming out in the next month. I do hope the story holds together as well as his art direction.
I love that I was able to find material with John Tenniel's illustrations and not the Disney version. I do love Disney's Alice, but Tenniels drawing style really suites the oddness of this book. I found this material by Quilting Treasures at

This is Simplicity pattern 2574 used to make the dress.
And what little girl doesn't need a matching dress for her doll. It was quite a pain to sew doll clothes. But it turned out SUPER cute.
I used Simplicity pattern 4707 for the doll dress and bonnett.
Thank you for sharing! Lovely work and darling photographs! We have included a mention of this on our Facebook fan page:!/pages/Simplicity-Patterns/250504077612?ref=ts