I happened to come across a rummage sale this past weekend and found these sweet little bird salt and pepper shakers. They will look great in my studio with my other ceramic figurines. The colors are even the colors of my studio. I haven't done any thrift store or rummage sale shopping in ages. So this was a great find. I love searching for this kind of stuff as well as old sewing and craft books. With being pregnant and now having the baby around it's hard to get out and search. I'm lucky to be getting done what I am getting done.
I actually found these guys in St. Louis. I was in town to visit family and dropped off my work at Cranky Yellow for the big Crammed Organism show coming up in June. I love there shop and got to see some of the work that has already arrived. So far what I've seen looks great. I can't wait to see more. It looks like I'll be able to make the first showing on June 6th at Star Clipper. I hope to meet some of the plush artists then.