Here is the dress I finished to match the doll dress. I used Simplicity pattern 9497. Some altering to the pattern had to be made to add the stripe bands at the sleeve, waist, and bottom. I think I'm going to have to get pics taken of my daughter and her doll together wearing their matching outfits.

I also happened to finish up some spring/summer dresses as well. I love this wiener dog fabric.

Cute dress for St. Patrick's day.

Dress for Valentine's day. There are actually tiny hearts in the print of the fabric.
Both these dresses are great for the holidays coming up but don't scream Val. or St.Pats and will work through out the rest of the spring and summer.

For her birthday my daughter wanted a Dora cake. So we are going with a Mexican Fiesta/Dora theme. A lot of the Dora decorations are kinda yucky so that's why we're going Mexican Fiesta. We'll do cute mexican banners, a pinata, and balloons. I also decided to design the invites because I didn't like the Dora invites that are available.



For the doll and all her clothes I made a doll box. I originally was looking to buy one but found they are crazy expensive and that's when I decided I could probably make one myself. I am very happy with it, however, I wish I had made it about 2" wider.
This pic shows the wood laying in place before I glued and nailed it all together.

Before paint.

All painted and looking all girly. The outside is painted a cream. The inside is covered in a cream and pink wallpaper. Upper shelf and hanger bar are pink. The chest of drawers is removeable. In fact, I found it at Hobby Lobby in their unfinished wood aisle. Payed 4 buck for it! And it fits perfectly.

Box measures 12" wide x 27" tall.