Yippee!!!!! I can finally talk about this killer show that's going to take place in St. Louis this June. I am one of the judges for this show and I am super honored to have been asked to be involved. Here's the low down:
Crammed Organisms is the world's largest plush show!
Nowhere on earth have so many stuffed creatures been collected under a single banner! Asia cowers before the might of
Crammed Organisms, Europe shakes in its boots, South America secretly yearns for such glory, and North America glows
with pride as tons of cotton fill its streets and cloud the sky!
Fairy, Folk, and Fable (the three F's of Crammed Organism's 2008 theme) have been terribly absent from St Louis and
even the world itself! Without stuffed representations of our hopes and dreams we stand no chance of ever achieving
them! How can you possible afford to miss such a thing? What sort of person are you anyway?
Crammed Organisms, is being hosted by multiple independently owned businesses here in St. Louis.
There is a ton more info at CrammedOrganisms.com
I have posted a link on the side here that will take you directly to the APPLY ONLINE PAGE.